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"Just about." Shea chuckles.
"That's awesome. I can just imagine the look on his face."
"I think I need to get a safe to keep it in. Grey is a snoopy little kid, finds everything."
I laugh some more, holding my stomach because it's aching from laughing so hard.
Raelynn pops her head in the door. "Will you quiet down? The kids are sleeping," she hisses.
I wince and mouth, "Sorry," to her and say my goodbyes to Shea. I hang up the phone and jerk my head, motioning for her to come over to me.
"What was that about?" she asks, a small smile playing on her pretty lips.
When she gets within reach, I pull her down onto my lap and wrap my arms around her. "Greyson found Christian and Shea's new toy and thought it was a magic wand. He was trying to turn them all into frogs." I snicker.
She gasps. "Oh my god!"
She starts giggling and it's so cute. She's given birth to four kids, two of which were born just minutes apart, and she is more gorgeous than ever. Of course, her body has changed; her stomach has stretch marks, and the skin isn't as tight as it used to be, but that's life. I don't care what she looks like. I love her the way she is and she knows this.
I nuzzle my face into her neck and kiss the soft skin just under her ear as I glide my hand up her thigh to give her booty a squeeze. "I say we go use our new toy again."
"Oh, I don't know, think you can handle it again?" she asks with a mischievous smile.
"Can I handle it? Shit, baby, I think the question is, can you handle it?"
She purses her lips as she thinks about it. I sneak a quick kiss on them, which makes her smile.
"I'm a little sore, but I think I can handle it."
An excited thrill shoots through me and straight to my cock, which hardens immediately. I growl as I stand, lifting her into my arms. She squeals and clutches the back of my neck. I carry her through the house and up the stairs to our bedroom, where I shut and lock the door. We've had a few incidents with kids walking in on us, so the door always gets locked now. I toss Raelynn on the bed and go to the closet where we store our new toy. He's a life-like 8-inch dildo that Raelynn has named Channing.
~Henry & Claire~
"Ethan, lights out, bud," I say, stopping in the doorway of his bedroom.
Ethan, who is now fifteen and starting to look like a fucking man, looks up from his phone with a frown. "Ten more minutes, dad, please?"
"Okay," he replies with a nod.
"Don't make me have to come back in here," I warn him.
"I won't."
My other three kids are already sleeping. I give him a pointed look, just to reiterate.
"Five minutes," Ethan huffs.
"Okay. Goodnight," I say before heading down the hall to my bedroom where Claire is reading.
I shut the door behind me and yawn as I walk over to the bed. It's only 11:00 pm and I'm exhausted. Damn, I'm old. I strip down to my underwear and climb into bed next to Claire, who is sitting up against the headboard reading a romance novel. Her strawberry blonde hair is pulled up into a ponytail on top of her head and her face is freshly washed and free of makeup. She looks beautiful.
"Reading anything good?" I ask, snuggling up next to her, putting my head in her lap.
Her fingers immediately start sifting through my hair. "Yeah, it's pretty good," she says distractedly.
I shift around until I can pop my head up between her face and the book. She jumps and jerks her chin back. "Henry!" she scolds and thwaps me on the head with the book.
"Ow." I chuckle.
"Don't you know not to come between a woman and her book?"
"I didn't know that was a rule," I murmur huskily, brushing my lips against hers.
She smiles. "Well, it is."
"Anything in there making you horny?" I inquire, wrapping my arm around her waist and sliding her down the bed so that I can lie on top of her.
I take the book out of her hand and set it on the nightstand.
"You just made me lose my place," she hisses and narrows her bright blue eyes at me.
"I'm sure you will find it again."
I litter her neck with kisses while one hand slips under her shirt so I can cup her breast and thumb her nipple.
"Henry," she whines. "We just did it last night."
"So? I want you again."
"You want me every night."
"And that's a bad thing?" I continue to kiss her neck, down to her collarbone.
"Never said that," she breathes, tilting her head so I can have better access. Yeah, I've got her now.
"You can use your new vibrator," I say in singsong tone, trying to lure her in even more.
She had a huge orgasm last night with that thing; no doubt she'll want to do it again. She shivers under me and breathes an, "Okay." I take some time winding her up before pulling out the vibrator. The sex is phenomenal and she has another earth shattering orgasm. We both fall sleep completely worn out and satisfied.
~Quinn & Margot~
It's pretty late by the time I head to bed. I had some last minute work I had to finish for a client, so I spent the last hour and a half at my drafting table. It was much easier to work with the house being quiet since the kids and Margot were already in bed.
I check the doors to make sure they are locked, turn out the lights, and then start up the stairs. Checking in on the kids, I find that Nora has crept into Evonne's bed with her. Even though they are three years apart, those two are best friends. I check in on my little man, Tristan, to see that he's conked out, sleeping on his stomach with his butt in the air.
I walk down the hall to my bedroom, being as quiet as possible as not to wake Margot. I feel my way over to my side of the bed and get undressed. I lift the covers and climb in. As soon as I lie down on my back, Margot's naked body is on top of me.
"Hello." I smile.
"Mmm, bonjour," she purrs in her French accent that I still to this day find sexy as hell.
I smooth my hands down her bare back to cup her ass. "And what can I do for you?"
Margot kisses me then chirps, "I'll give you a guess."
"Just one?" I tease.
"Oui," she replies sweetly, propping her elbows on my chest then dropping her chin into her hands.
I tuck my hands behind my head and smile wider. "I can't imagine what it could be."
Her dark hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun that I'm just itching to grab, so I can yank her head back and ravage her neck.
"Shall I give you a hint?"
One hand leaves her chin and snakes its way down my body to slip under the waistband of my underwear, where she then wraps her hand around my erection and gives it a lazy tug.
"This is part of what I want," she whispers, still stroking me.
I moan and shift under her. "You want my cock in your mouth?" I ask, fighting off a smile.
"Non! Why is it always a blowjob with you?" She rants, rolling off me and back over to her side of the bed.
I laugh. "Aw, come on, mon amour, I was just teasing."
I follow her and wrap my arms around her from behind, pulling her back flush against me. I kiss the side of her neck and I slip my hand between her legs.
"I know exactly what you want," I rumble against her neck.
She moans. "Oui," she breathes, and I give her exactly what she was asking her.
Here is your first look into, Ethan (The Beck Family Series #1)...
***The following is unedited and subject to change.
Chapter 1 - Gabriella
I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. The music from the apartment next to me is becoming unbearable. I glance at the clock, 3:15 a.m. Goddammit! Doesn’t he know that some people have to work in the morning? The music is making my bed vibrate, for Christ’s sake! Does no one else in the building hear it, or are they just afraid to say something because the guy in that apa
rtment is a dick?
I’ve had enough. I get up and put on my short black silk robe. My dark brown hair is piled on top of my head and my hazel eyes are probably outlined in black make-up that I didn’t take off before I went to bed. I couldn’t care less what I look like right now. I slip on my slippers and make my way to the door.
I stand in front of his door to listen for a second. I only hear the music; no one is talking or moving around. I bang on the door, hoping that it will be heard over the music. No answer. I bang again, a bit louder. By this time, some of the other neighbors are peeking out of their doors to see what’s going on. Finally, the door is flung open and the guy who lives there, Ethan, is standing there in a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. His chest and abs are ripped. Drool. He glares down at my 5’4” self.
Ethan, douchebag here, looks to be around 6’2”, dark blonde hair, and sapphire blue eyes. He obviously works out. He is actually a gorgeous guy, but he is such an asshole that it diminishes his good looks. He’s lived next to me for about a year now and at least three times a week he has his music blasting in the middle of the night. I don’t know if he's with someone or by himself, but I haven’t seen any girls coming in and out of there. Not that I’m surprised. What girl would want to hang out with an asshat like him?
“What?” he yells over the music blasting out of his apartment.
“Can you turn off the music?” I yell back.
He pulls a remote out of his pocket and points it somewhere behind him making the music cut out.
“What do you want?” His tone is nasty.
“Ethan, it’s 3:30 in the morning. Some of us have to work in the morning, and the music is just way too loud. You need to keep it down,” I say as nicely as I can manage.
He gives me a bored look then shuts the door in my face. My mouth drops open in disbelief. The music starts up again, thumping louder than before.
I turn to look at my neighbor across the hall, an older lady, who is standing in her doorway. Her mouth is also hanging open in disbelief.
“Did he just shut the door in my face and ignore me?” I ask her in disbelief.
She nods with a wince.
I turn back around and bang hard on the door again. The music shuts off and then heavy footsteps come stomping toward the door. It flies open again.
“Listen, Gabriella. I don’t give a shit about what you want. I’m working right now and if I want my music loud, that’s how it’s gonna stay!” Ethan barks angrily and sticks his finger in my face.
“Oh, you wanna play it like that? We’ll see how tough you are when I call the cops and get you charged with a noise violation!” I spit back at him, smacking his finger away.
“You wouldn’t call the cops.” His blue eyes narrow warily.
“Try me. Keep playing your damn music that loud and the next knock on your door won’t be from me!” I snap and stomp back to my apartment, slamming the door shut behind me.
I pull off my robe and kick off my slippers. I get back into bed and try to relax. He really pisses me off. Eventually, I fall back to sleep.
Groaning when my alarm sounds, I reach over and shut it off. I did not get enough sleep last night. Damn Ethan! I need to get out of bed and get ready for work. I literally have to drag myself out of bed and into the shower.
On the way into work, I grab the usual coffees for my boss and me. I am the personal assistant for the CEO of a major advertising company. I say good morning to everyone I pass in the office as I walk to the boss’ office. I knock and open one of the double doors.
My boss, Mr. Henry Beck, is sitting behind his desk working on his computer. He looks up and smiles his gorgeous smile at me as I put his coffee on his desk.
“Morning, Gabriella. How are you doing today?” he asks and sits back in his chair, grabbing his coffee.
“I’m a little tired. My neighbor kept me up again last night with his damn music. I finally threatened to call the cops and he turned it off,” I tell him and plop down in a chair in front of his desk.
He frowns at me. “What is this guy doing that late at night?”
I shrug. “No idea. I never see any girls in there, so I don’t know. He said last night that he was working.”
Henry hums and stares off as if he’s thinking about something. After a minute, he shakes his head and leans forward, putting his coffee back on the desk.
“Anyway, I have my son coming in today. He’s going to start working for me in the promotional department. He’s a very talented artist and salesman…”
I nod.
“He should be here in about an hour. I want you to meet him when he gets here,” Henry says looking at me over the rims of his black framed glasses.
Henry is a seriously handsome older man in his early 60’s. He still has a full head of dark blonde hair that is sprinkled with some gray, mostly at the temples. He’s tall at 6’4” and is still very fit for his age. And he has the prettiest emerald green eyes I’ve ever seen. Henry is a genuinely nice person who appreciates and takes care of his employees. I’ve worked for him for four years now, and nothing on this earth will ever make me leave.
“Is this your older or younger son?” I ask and take a sip of my coffee. Henry has four kids. Two sons and two daughters, I’ve never met any of them, though.
“Older,” he says and focuses back on his computer. He seems to read something before he starts typing again. I take that as my cue to leave.
“See ya in a little bit,” I say, heading for the door.
Henry nods and mutters a distracted, “Okay.”
About 45 minutes later, my office phone beeps. I see that it’s Henry and hit the speaker button.
“I’ll be right there, Mr. Beck,” I say, knowing that his son must be here.
“Thanks,” he says and hangs up.
I finish what I’m doing then stand up and smooth out my black, high waisted pencil skirt. My navy blue silk blouse is tucked into the skirt, which stops just above my knees. I slide my black peep toe pumps back on and start towards the boss’ office.
The door is open. I can see as I walk up that Henry is sitting behind his desk with a man standing in front of it. The guy’s back is to me as I step into the room. He looks sexy as hell from behind. I hope he looks that way from the front, too. We could use some eye-candy around here…well, besides Henry, that is.
Henry is smiling up at the man standing in front of him, though his gaze shifts to me as I move farther into the room. The other man turns, his hands in his front pants pockets. He looks fantastic in his suit; it fits him perfectly. My eyes then drift up to look at his face. Dark blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile. That’s when I realize that it’s Ethan, my noisy next door neighbor. Both of our smiles fade as we stare at each other in shock.
“Ethan?” I squawk in bewilderment.
He just stares at me with a look of loathing on his face. Henry glances quickly back and forth between them.
“Do you two know each other?” he asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.
I swing my gaze around to him and point a finger at Ethan.
“This is the jerk that keeps me up half the night with his damn music!” I yell, not really meaning to, it just comes out.
Henry leans back is his seat and looks as if he’s fighting off a smile.
“What is he doing here?” I demand.
“Well, that jerk right there is my son; the one I told you about earlier.” He chuckles.
My mouth drops open, completely and utterly shocked.
“What? How…I…how can you be so…you…while your son is like…that?” I stutter and point at Ethan again, who now has his arms crossed over his chest and is giving me a dirty look.
Henry laughs.
“I’m not working with her,” Ethan states, still glaring at me.
“Gabby is my assistant, so she will be around a lot. You two are just going to have to learn to get along,” Henry
says, looking at Ethan and then at me.
Ethan and I stay silent. There is no getting along with this asshole, even if I wanted to…which I don’t.
“Ethan, I want you to take Gabby out for lunch today…” Henry starts, but Ethan cuts him off.
“No way, Dad! I’m not taking her anywhere. She threatened to call the cops on me last night…” Ethan argues.
“If you didn’t play music so loud at three in the morning, Ethan, that wouldn’t happen! And believe me, I know all about the situation between you and Gabby. She’s been complaining about you for a year now, so you are going to take her to lunch and apologize for your actions. I honestly don’t know where you get it from; must be your Uncle Sebastian.” Henry shakes his head before he looks at me and gives me a wink. I have to suppress a smile; he’s just so darn cute.
“Gabby, get back to work,” Henry says.
“Yes, sir,” I reply.
As soon as I’m out of the room, I can hear Ethan protesting again.
Lunchtime rolls around, and I sit in my office and wait for Ethan to show. He’s a few minutes late, but eventually stops in my doorway.
“Let’s get this over with,” he grumbles.
I grab my purse from under my desk and follow him out the door. We get in the elevator and wait as the doors slowly shut. Once closed, Ethan turns to me.
“Don’t for one second think that I’m gonna apologize to you,” he growls.
I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t want your fucking apology anyway.”
He stares at me for a second. “You’re such a bitch, you know that?”
“Takes one to know one,” I reply and smile sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes at him.
He laughs bitterly. “If you didn’t work for my dad, I’d punch you right in that pretty little face of yours.”
“Into hittin’ girls, are you?” I mutter dryly, ignoring the fact that he just called me pretty.
“No, only you,” he snarls then turns to face the doors as they opened.