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To Love Again Page 5

  Greg’s eyes flash furiously at me before they dart to the new iPhone on the table. “Who are you getting a phone for? Is it for Jack? Because I found his old phone in a bathroom trashcan in a McDonald’s not far from here.”

  “I’m getting a new phone, not that it’s any of your business.”

  Greg looks at the representative. “Did he come in with another guy? A little shorter with blond hair, blue eyes, and tattoos on his arms?”

  The rep shakes his head. “No, he came in by himself,” he says. I force my face to remain unchanged, but I really want to smile. This guy is a good liar.

  Greg narrows his eyes at the guy, looking unsure as to whether he should believe him. He looks back at me, and I keep my face as blank as possible. Greg crowds me even more, trying to intimidate me, which he is failing grandly at.

  “If I find out that you have him and are keeping him from me, I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?” I spit nastily. “You going to threaten to kick my arse? Because I’d like to see you try, you fucking wanker.”

  Greg grips me by my collar, his nostrils flaring and his face turning red as he stares me down.

  “Get your fucking hands off of me,” I bite out as I shove him hard away from me.

  Greg stumbles a couple of steps, but doesn’t go too far. He looks downright deadly when his black eyes land on mine again. “Watch your back, Doc.” His tone is low and lethal.

  Greg walks backward to the door, his eyes never leaving mine. “I will get Jack back. You can count on that.” With those parting words, he’s out the door and into his truck. He peels out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.

  I blow out a breath and glance at the representative. “Sorry about that.”

  He blinks at me and shakes his head. “That guy is insane.”

  I nod. “I really appreciate you covering for us.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope he doesn’t find your friend. I can tell that will not end well.”

  “No. No, it won’t,” I murmur and start for the counter where Jack is hiding.

  I skirt the corner of the counter and find Jack sitting against it, knees pulled up to his chest, hands covering his ears, and his eyes squeezed shut. Shit, this is going to set him back. Not that he made a ton of progress in two days, but he was starting to loosen up a bit. I go and squat down in front of him, lightly placing my hand on his knee. Jack gasps as his eyes fly open, and his terrified blue gaze locks on to mine. He slowly lowers his hands from his ears.

  “Is he gone?” Jack croaks.

  I nod. “Yeah, he’s gone.”

  He runs a shaky hand through his hair and swallows hard. “Good… good,” he whispers.

  “Let’s finish getting your phone and get out of here, yeah?” I hold out a hand for him.

  Jack gives me a jerky nod and takes my hand. I pull him up with me as I stand. We walk over to the table and finish getting Jack’s phone set up. Once we’re finished, we get in my SUV and head to my apartment. Jack is completely silent for the entire ride, and I have no idea what to say to him either. Coming to a stop at a red light, I glance over at him to find him biting his thumbnail, his hand still shaking. My first instinct is to ask if he’s okay, but that’s a stupid question; he’s obviously not okay.


  I CAN’T find the courage to speak to Warwick. I feel like such a loser and a pussy for running and hiding like I did—like a fucking child who has his older, bigger brother fight his battles for him. But I panicked and hid behind the counter instead of standing up for myself. I’m sure that’s really attractive. Not!

  When we get back to the apartment, I make a beeline for my room and shut myself in. I can’t look Warwick in the eye. I don’t want to see the pity I’m sure is lurking there.

  I bury myself under my covers, wanting to shut out the world for a little while. I have no idea how long I’ve been lying in bed before a soft knock sounds on my door. I call out a muffled, “Come in.”

  I hear the door open and close quietly. I don’t know if it’s Warwick or Diandra, and I don’t feel like coming out of my cocoon of blankets to find out.

  “Hey,” he murmurs softly.

  “Hey,” I reply quietly, my voice muffled by my pillow and blankets.

  “You’ve been in here for hours. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he says, and it’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a long time.

  I don’t reply, because really? What is there to say? I’m not okay.

  The bed moves as Warwick sits on it. I pull the covers down from my face and look up at him. He’s sitting next to me with his back against the headboard. His beautiful blue eyes rake over my face.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” he says.

  I shake my head as best as I can while lying on my stomach. “It’s never going to be okay while he’s still around,” I rasp.

  “Listen, mate, karma is a bitch, and Greg will get his, I promise you,” Warwick says seriously.

  “Yeah, but when? Months from now? Years from now? How am I supposed to live a normal life knowing he’s not going to stop coming after me? I can’t live like this, Warwick. I can’t do it.”

  “What are you saying?” he asks, a deep concerned frown on his face.

  I sigh and close my eyes. “I don’t fucking know. Maybe I should leave the city, move out to California or something. Somewhere far away. Canada even.”

  “So you want to leave?” His voice is carefully controlled. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he doesn’t sound happy about that.

  I open my eyes again and nail him with a hard stare. “What else am I supposed to do, Warwick? Greg won’t let me go. Am I supposed to live here in hiding for the rest of my life?” I snap.

  “No, I’m not saying that. But give it some time. It hasn’t even been a full week yet.”

  I push up to rest on my forearms. “Greg will not stop. It doesn’t matter how long it has or hasn’t been. He will not stop until he finds me. I don’t think I have a choice here.”

  He stares at me for a few long moments before nodding sadly. He stands and starts pacing back and forth along the side of the bed, his hands on his hips.

  “Warwick, it’s not like I want to leave, but what else am I supposed to do?” I ask him. “I mean, if you have another idea, please, let me know.”

  “I might. But I need to figure some shit out first,” he mumbles and heads for the door.

  He leaves without another word, and I frown at the closed door. What is he thinking? I can’t imagine there’s anything else I can do besides leave the state. I want a chance at a normal life, and the only way I’m going to get that is to move as far away as I can.

  Chapter SIX


  IT TAKES me the rest of the day to set up the possible arrangements I need to make to be able to put my idea into motion. I don’t know how Jack is going to feel about it, but I think it will give him the much needed time to get himself together mentally and emotionally, and the distance he feels he needs to achieve it. Plus I’m going with him. I didn’t like the idea of him going off somewhere by himself when he’s in such a fragile state.

  I give Jack’s bedroom door a knock and open it when I hear his quiet “Come in.” I find him sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard, his phone in his hands, the screen casting a bluish glow over his face in the dark. Jack glances up at me and sets his phone in his lap. He reaches over and switches on the lamp that’s on the nightstand, giving the room a little bit of light.

  “Hey, Warwick. What’s up?”

  I go to the left side of the bed and sit down, then pull one leg up onto it so I can turn to face him. “I have a proposition for you.”

  Jack’s eyebrows raise in curiosity. “Okay.”

  “Now, you can say no, okay?”

  He nods slowly, eyeing me a bit warily now.

  “I can take a month’s leave from the hospital and looked into getting us plane tickets to Birmingham, England. I spoke t
o my mum, and she said she can set up a couple of rooms in the house for us. You said you wanted to get away from here. I figured England was more than far enough.”

  Jack’s mouth drops open, and his eyes widen. He stares at me for a long while before shaking his head and working his mouth. It takes him a couple of tries before he finally gets something out.

  “Jesus, Warwick,” he breathes and rakes a hand through his hair.

  “You can say no, mate,” I say with a small smirk.

  “I just… I don’t know what to say….” He struggles, his eyes searching the room as he thinks. “Why are you doing this for me? You barely know me.”

  I shrug. “I want to help you.”

  “But to take a leave of absence from work? I mean, I’m grateful, but I don’t understand….”

  I shake my head. “There’s nothing to understand. I want to help you find yourself again. I want you to be able to get back the guy you used to be, and you’re right, you can’t do that here, not with Greg looming around every corner. I told my mum about your situation, and she is more than willing to have you live there for as long as you like. If you like it there and want to stay after the month is over, then you are more than welcome. You can see about applying for residence, maybe find work or something.”

  Jack gawks at me in complete awe. “I don’t know what to say,” he whispers.

  A slow smile curls my lips. “Say yes.”

  He nods, his eyes searching mine. “Okay. Yes. Let’s go.”

  The smile that takes over his face is glorious. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him smile so big and bright, and bloody hell, he’s gorgeous. I get a flicker of the man Jack used to be, and he looks happy.

  “I’m paying for my plane ticket, though,” Jack says.

  I give him a nod. “Yes, sir.”

  Jack scoots closer to me. When he’s within reach, he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I’m momentarily shocked because I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me. Once I get over the shock, though, I return the soft, sweet kiss to the lips.

  After a couple lingering pecks, he pulls away only enough to rest our foreheads together. “You are something else, Dr. Aldridge.”


  I’VE NEVER been so excited in my life. I’m going to England! I’ve barely gone outside of Maryland, let alone out of the country. I glance over at Warwick after I sit down in my seat next to the window and buckle up. He’s reaching up to put his carry-on in the overhead compartment. His worn jeans are slung low on his lean hips, and since he’s reaching up, his T-shirt has ridden up, showing off the gray waistband of his briefs and about two inches of his lower stomach. I try not to stare, but it’s a really sexy sight.

  As soon as he shuts the compartment, I tear my eyes away and turn to look out the window. I will not be caught ogling Warwick. I shouldn’t be ogling anyone, not after everything I’ve been through. We’ve only known each other for a little over two weeks. We couldn’t leave for England right away because I needed to get a passport and pay out the ass to have it rushed.

  He drops down into the seat next to me and buckles up. “You ready for this long-arse flight?” he asks with a grin.

  “More than,” I reply with my own wide grin.

  Warwick settles back into his seat and rests his head against it, closes his eyes, and folds his hands in his lap. I take the chance to study his face. He looks relaxed and a small smile is still curling the corners of his wide mouth.

  “Are you excited to be going home?” I ask him.

  “Absolutely. Haven’t been home in a few years. I’m long overdue for a visit,” he says without opening his eyes.

  “Is it just your mom?”

  “Oh no, my dad is there too.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  Warwick smiles and opens his eyes to look at me. “I have five younger brothers.”

  My mouth drops open. “Holy shit! How old are they?”

  “Well, I’m the oldest at thirty-five, so that means Finlay is thirty-two, Ainsley is twenty-nine, and Conrad, Courtney, and Crispin are….” He looks at the ceiling, his lips moving slightly like he’s counting. “The triplets are twenty-three.”

  “Are the triplets identical?”

  “No, thank Christ.” He snorts. “They’re enough alike as it is; I can’t imagine being able to tell them apart if they all looked the same.”

  “They’re a lot younger than the rest of you.”

  “Yeah, they weren’t exactly planned.” He chuckles.

  “So your mom had triplets naturally? That doesn’t happen too often.”

  “No, it doesn’t. They were bloody shocked when they found out.” He laughs.

  “I’ll bet!”

  “No worries, though, none of them live at home. So it will just be us and my parents staying at the house.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  We were so preoccupied with talking I didn’t even realize we’ve taxied to the runway and are ready to take off. I’ve never flown before, so I have no idea what to expect. All the noises and shit are freaking me out. I send Warwick a nervous glance.

  “Is it supposed to sound like that?” I swallow.

  “Yeah, don’t worry,” he says and gives my forearm a reassuring pat.

  Just as I go to say okay, the plane shoots forward, driving me into my seat. I let out a fairly girly yelp and grab Warwick’s arm. He chuckles and tucks my arm under his where they are resting on the armrest, then intertwines our fingers.

  He turns his face toward me and leans in close enough that his nose brushes the shell of my ear and whispers, “I gotcha, love.”

  I swallow hard and nod, fighting a strangled noise as the plane lifts off and my stomach bottoms out. I squeeze Warwick’s fingers tight. He brings his other hand up to lightly rub my forearm.

  “You’re okay, mate,” he says softly.

  “This is scary as shit,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, you get used to it after doing it a few times.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. Warwick’s hand in mine helps, and he seems completely content to continue holding it. The plane eventually levels out and so does my stomach. Warwick flips through the Sky Mall magazine before resting his head against the seat and falling asleep. I grab the book I picked up in the airport. I open it up, then take a moment to look over at the man next to me. Damn, he’s gorgeous. And just plain wonderful. Shaking my head to myself, I turn to my book to try and occupy some of the long-ass flight we’re on.


  I GROAN and stretch. Sleeping sitting up sucks. Yawning, I glance at my watch to see I’ve only been sleeping for an hour and a half. Dammit, that’s not long enough. I look over to find Jack reading the book he picked up. He looks to be about more than halfway through already too—must be a fast reader.

  “How’s the book?” I ask.

  After a moment’s pause, he glances at me. “Really good. I can’t tell you the last time I read a book.”

  “Were you not allowed to read?” I frown. Fucking Greg.

  Jack gives me a sad smile and shakes his head. “No, especially because I get so sucked in when I’m reading that I ended up ignoring him, so he banned me from reading.”

  “Fucking arsehole,” I grumble.

  Jack just nods his agreement.

  “Well, I won’t bother you. Continue reading. I’m going to hit the bathroom.”

  He gives me a tender, affectionate smile. “Okay.”

  I stand, stretch some more, then head toward the back of the plane to use the toilet. One is open. These damn things are way too small for a big guy like me. After relieving myself, I wash my hands, then make my way to my seat. I sit down next to Jack, who is staring out the window. Luckily, we have the row to ourselves. I really hate having to climb over people to get out.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  Jack starts and whips his head around to look at me wi
th surprised eyes. “Oh! Yeah, sorry. I got lost in my head for a minute there.”

  I give him a teasing smile and elbow him. “Quit fantasizing about me, yeah?”

  Jack chuckles, his cheeks turning pink.

  “Seriously, though, you should try and forget about him. I know it’s going to be hard, but you need to so you can move on with your life,” I murmur to him, nudging him again with my elbow.

  Jack nods solemnly. “I know. It’s difficult when so many things remind me of what he’s done to me. How broken he made me.”

  I reach over and squeeze his knee. “That’s why we’re doing this. You will heal.”

  He gives me a soft smile. “How is it that you’re still single?”

  A crooked grin curls my lips. “I’m a doctor, remember? I don’t have time for relationships.”

  He gives me a “get real” look. “That’s bullshit.”

  I shrug. “It’s really hard to have a relationship, as busy as I am, especially if the guy I’m with wants a lot of attention.”

  “I guess I can understand that.”

  “I have yet to find a guy laid-back enough to not give me shit about my schedule.”

  It really is quite annoying.

  Jack shrugs nonchalantly. “I wouldn’t care. I like having alone time.”

  I cock an eyebrow at him, and he blushes a deep red.

  “Not that I’m saying…. I’m not ready…,” he stutters.

  I chuckle and pat his thigh. “Relax, Jack. I know.”

  He’s freaking adorable when he gets flustered.

  “I’m just… going to go back to reading,” he mutters, burying his face in his book.

  Chapter SEVEN


  WARWICK AND I make our way from customs and through the airport to baggage claim. After we get our things, we exit the terminal. Warwick pulls in a deep breath and loudly blows it out. When I look over at him, he’s smiling brightly.